The Trevor Scale

I’ve talked about making this blog post for years, but it is finally here: The Trevor Scale. What is it? It’s a 10-point scale for conspiracy theories. The more we are connected, the more noise drowns out the signal. Much like there’s a 10 point for human sexuality, I think conspiracy theories should be ranked the same way. One will be the lowest, and ten will be the highest. A ten rating is one that either I or most folks agree on is likely true. The lower the number, the more likely we’re dealing with material I refer to as crackpotia. This is my generic term for things I will buy books or read articles on, that I don’t think are true, but it is fiction fodder and sometimes damn entertaining. To illustrate, here’s my examples of each number on the scale.

10) Things I believed to be true that have been backed up by facts, or that a person has had personal experiences with. In my case, it’s that UFO’s are real. Others that are ranked ten in my book are that the official stories on the Kennedy and King assassinations are garbage, that there are ghosts (personal experience), and psychic phenomena.

9)These are ones that I’d like to believe are true, but don’t have as strong a belief in as I used to, or don’t have the evidence to back it up. Examples here are that the 9/11 official story isn’t the full story, and that Jim Morrison faked his death (I told that one to Patricia Keneally Morrison, and she hasn’t spoken to me since)

8)These are theories that I find plausible, or that many people believe in that I’m not sure of, but that aren’t too bizarre. My examples of this for me are the idea that all major sports are fixed, or that the Masons influence the running of the US government.

7)Now we’re getting closer to fiction, but they’re also I’d like to hope are true. Ones I would put at this number are energy healing like Reiki, Bigfoot, free energy, and the work of both Rupert Sheldrake and Graham Hancock (look them up).

6) There are no theories ranked number six. Fnord.

5) I generally put ones here that I find could be true, but the evidence just isn’t there. Examples of this are possession, past life regression, talking to the dead, most cryptids, and that there was a race of giants before man.

4)Now we are rounding the curve straight into a tunnel of bullshit. Theories I’ve given a four to include: Elvis being alive, the moon landing being faked, and alien transmission folks like Adamski.

3)Pure bullshit. If you buy anything Dr. Oz says, it’s probably down here, along with the Illuminati, fluoride in the water, anything from Goop, copper bracelets and cleansing diets.

2) This level is known as: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Top theories at this rank include David Icke’s reptilian royal family nonsense, sexual encounters with aliens or sasquatch, flat earth people, Nation of Islam theory about the creation of white people, and anyone who says they’re a real-life vampire or werewolf.

1) My last level has specific criteria. Theories in this basement must be shown to have real life consequences. Pretty much everything Alex Jones has said in the last decade is down here. All the racist, sexist, and homophobic theories are down here. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are down here, alongside Sandy Hook truthers, Qanon deep state tools, birthers, and the works of Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

I hope this clarifies some things for you and can help you give some measure of how to judge some of the crap on the net. Or at the very least, can help you put some perspective on it.

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